Faculty of Health Sciences

Opening year
Current Students
Graduates’ Batch
The Faculty of Health Sciences is one of the outstanding faculties which offer distinguished academic environment and learning opportunities. It also provides the health sector and society at large with a variety of specializations.
Since its establishment in the academic year 2004-2005, the Faculty started teaching specializations which had no precedence in Syria. The Faculty’s nutrition department was the first of its kind and the department of dental technology was also the first to offer a university degree in this specialization.
Further, the Faculty is currently planning to launch its nursing program having approved the syllabus in accordance with outstanding quality standards in order to provide students with outstanding skills and abilities to enable them to perform up-to-standard in the medical sector.
The Faculty of Health Sciences is dedicated to promoting excellence in teaching, research and community services within a scientific environment to graduate professionals who are capable of evidence-based practice that ensures and promotes health and well being through its up-to-date academic programs.
1. qualifying outstanding professionals in the fields of nutrition and food sciences, nursing and dental technology
2. creating, exchanging and increasing skills and knowledge in the area of health and associated disciplines through practice, education and research management
3. establishing and maintaining links with national and international institutions, bodies, and agencies, both academic and professional, in the interest of promoting development in health and relevant fields of knowledge
4. providing a consultative and coordinating mechanism on health-related issues for individuals, families, communities, industrial facilities and others
Based on the recommendations of the Faculty Council, the University awards a bachelor’s degree in the above mentioned majors upon completion of 4 academic years of study.
The student is expected to pass 142 credit hours in the nutrition department, 135 credit hours in the prosthodontics department or the department of nursing in order to receive a bachelor’s degree in those majors.
The Faculty of Health Sciences comprises the following academic departments:
- Nutrition and Food Sciences Department
The nutrition and food sciences department at the University of Kalamoon was established in 2004. It is the first of its kind in Syria and involves two disciplines: nutrition and food sciences. The department seeks to provide hospitals in Syria with nutrition specialists to provide necessary advice for some diseases and complement the medical team working in those hospitals. The department further seeks to shed light on health problems resulting from imbalanced diet. Most importantly, this field of study relieves the huge costs incurred by the health sector for the treatment of diseases related to faulty dietary practices.
- Dental Technology Department
This department is known for its distinguished teaching and technical staff as well as the latest equipment imported from prominent international companies. The department seeks to qualify technical staff specialized in prosthodontics and train students to use state-of-the-art equipment and devices. The department endeavors to meet the national accreditation criteria.
The courses of the third and fourth years of this major fall into one of the following categories:
1. Prosthesis over implants
2. Orthodontic and maxiofacial appliances
3. Porcelain Prosthesis
Holders of a diploma from the intermediate dental institute- prosthodontics are admitted to the third year of this major.
- Department of Nursing
The syllabus of this department has been approved by virtue of decision no 27 of the Higher Education Council on 02-10-2012. Work is underway to fully equip laboratories so as the department starts operating in the academic year 2013-2014.
- Future Specialized Departments
The Faculty intends to introduce the following specialized departments in the future:
– Physiotherapy
– Medical Laboratories
– Radiology
– Optic Technology