The University Councils
The University Council
The University Council consists of:
- University President.
- University Vice-Presidents.
- Deans of the Colleges.
- Directors of the Institutes.
- Representative of the Ministry of Higher Education.
- University General Secretary.
- Representative of the Faculty Staff working in the University from the Academic Staff working in the University designated by the Teachers’ Association in the University. In absentia of an Association Branch, the Executive Office shall designate him/her.
- Representative of the University students from the University students designated by the National Union of Syrian Students branch. In absentia of the National Union Branch, the Executive Office shall designate him/her.
- A number of academic and public figures designated by the Board of Trustees as per the provisions of Article /21/ of the Legislative Decree No. /36/ for the year 2001 provided that they include a representative of the Establishment Board of Directors.
The University General Secretary shall serve as the Council Secretary.
The University Council shall leastwise meet bimonthly. The University President will invite a number of non-voting expert and erudite figures to the University Council meetings.
The Council Member’s comportment, behavior and actions shall befit his/her academic status.
The University Council Duties:
- To implement the University general policy through making and regulating the learning, research and training programs, and to make plans that ensure providing sufficient capabilities to achieve that.
- To make a plan for buildings-construction, and to complete and mend laboratories, equipments and libraries in the University.
- To propose of the University Executive Regulation and Bylaws for the Colleges and Institutes.
- To propose assigning the Faculty Staff, and to transfer them inside the University; delegating them; to set up the criteria for contracting with them; to fix their salaries, compensations, rewards and all other matters concerning their career.
- To propose the Students’ admission requirements and number to the Higher Education Council.
- To regulate the various scholastic rewards affairs.
- To set up the Academic Calendar, teaching start/end for each semester and exams dates and results, the Students and Staff holidays.
- To propose to halt teaching in some colleges and majors after the Higher Education Council’s approval.
- To grant the academic degrees.
- To grant the Honorary Doctorate (PhD) in accordance with rules adopted by the Higher Education Council.
- To accept the donations coming to the University by endowment, bequests, bestowals et. al; and alienating them in accordance with the Syrian legislation on condition that all shall not infringe the University goals and the interest of the State.
- To make the general policy for the university books, references and periodicals, electronic libraries and to systemize them.
- To set up the special regulations for the university libraries, hospitals, museums, dormitories and other university facilities and activities.
- To approve concluding cooperation agreements with the Syrian, Arab and foreign universities, and with the Arab, regional and international organizations; and to receive academic figures.
- To consider all the issues proposed by the University President.
- To authorize the University President some of the Council’s competences.